Monday, December 26, 2016

En Provence Part 5 and the Holiday

Oh I was feeling so smug. It was Christmas Eve afternoon. The presents were wrapped, food cooked, table set and I had hours with nothing to do. Seemed like a perfect time to start on Clue 5.  I even had Bonnie's new tool. I was ready to go. I cut the first two 3 1/2 inch strips with no trouble. Two cuts into the third and I did it. Yep, ran that rotary cutter right over the tip of my finger. Blood everywhere, thank goodness I got pressure on it and didn't get blood on my fabric. (we know our priorities, right?).

My platelets are low so it took some time for the bleeding to stop. Then when I pulled the "non-stick" pad off to change it, it stuck and started to bleed all over again. What excitement! Needless to say no more cutting or sewing for that day, or the next. Today is Monday and I am able to cut the remaining half square triangles without incident. They are sewn and pressed. I still need to trim my dog ears.

Half square triangles
For this step I purposely chose to go controlled scrappy. I only used four combinations, picking up some neutrals I only used in step 1. I am getting more excited with each step. Did I mention I love purple?

Click this link to see what progress everyone else is making:

After my incident with the rotary cutter I had an uneventful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Our traditions may be a little different than others. No turkey or ham. Christmas day I prepared stuffed pasta shells (half with meat and half with cheese) covered with sauce.  Of course garlic olives, Asiago cheese, salad with olive oil and wine vinegar and Pizzelle for desert. Perfect o. Yes I did Americanize it with a Cherry Cheesecake.

I did not do anything on Alliertare this past week. Perhaps later on this week as I wait for the next clue. Can't wait to see what is next. Happy piecing everyone.


  1. Ohh! Heal fast! (And ouch!)
    As a fellow purple-lover, I'm admiring your HSTs!

    1. Thanks. This quilt can't help but me beautiful with all that purple.

  2. I like the way you are pacing the neutrals, it will give an interesting look to the finished quilt. Sorry to read about the finger/cutter incident, I actually winced, and was relieved to find out it is healing nicely.
