It had to happened. It's been over a year and many a quilt have been pieced on my old Janome. She is still running fine, but you know when it's time to take her in for service. The last two weeks have been a time for a change of pace. I've finished the binding on two quilts that have been sitting around since Thanksgiving.
First to get finished was my Delightful Stars quilt. I say it's finished, but it still needs the label and maybe a hanging sleeve. My plan was to hang it, but it does not seem to fit where I wanted it. For now it's hanging over the rail around the open staircase. Obviously the picture is outside on the deck.
Delightful Stars pattern by Michele Foster |
In between quilts my granddaughter visited and we did some baking. We made pizza from scratch and also some Italian Feather bread. We decided if we repeat this bread that we won't put any egg white on the top. It seemed to make the crust too hard, but it was still tasty.
Italian Feather Bread |
Jana's first homemade pizza (dough from scratch) |
The weather was perfect for an winter day in Ohio. The temperature reached 55 and it was sunny. Jana wanted to go barefoot in the grass..She says, "there is no law against it." She had not heard of grandma's law....."Keep those shoes on". I can understand her temptation. Here in Ohio folks put their convertible tops down and put on their flip flops when it gets above 50.
We took a walk through the garden. The ground is still too cold for anything other than a few snowdrops to peak through. Still, we are grateful for the warm day and sun.
Beautiful end to the day. |
Sunday was a day for me to piddle around. I worked on some projects for work, made dinner, and finished the binding on this last quilt. It too needs the label and the hanging sleeve. I really wish the picture gave you a true sense of what this quilt looks like. It's simple, but I think the fabrics, layout and quilt panto all comes together to make a fun and quirky quilt. My granddaughter says it's her favorite. I designed this quilt around the fabric by Masha D'yans. The song Jump by Van Halen inspired the hopscotch. So we have frog playing (jumping) in a rainy, puddle filled garden.
Quilt Challenge-based on song "Jump" by Van Halen, Panto "drip" | | |
Thanks for checking in. Have a great week everyone.